This being Edinburgh in the school holidays the young people talked, demonstrated and played with over 3000 vistors from many parts of the UK and several overseas visitors. An Italian family were so pleased with what they saw they asked if there was a similar organisation in thier country - and having camped with the Aciragazzi in 2003 we were able to assure them that Italy too had a dynamic, progressive organisation with young people who wanted to make a difference.
As part of the "Science Festival at the Botanics" the Edinburgh Woodcraft Powerpod, a trailer fitted out as an education tool to demonstrate the use of renewable energy, was a major exhibit at the entrance to the Botanics Exhibition Hall. The full science program at the Botanics attracted in excess of 10000 visitors and many of these joined in the hands-on activities supplied by the Powerpod. As well as the drop in activities Edinburgh Woodcraft ran 4 workshop sessions offering co-operative games devised by the Venturers and DFs around the issues of climate change and renewable energy. As well as appearing in the main programme Edinburgh Woodcraft were named on the brochures as one of the sponsors of the event, publicity which we normally cannot afford.
The next official outing for the Powerpod is Big in Falkirk Scotland's National Steet Arts Festival on the 5th/6th May where we shall be helping the Central Scotland Area Committee of the Scottish Co-op in thier Fair Trade and Sustainability tent.