Friday brought crowds of schoolchildren from the Fife area, who dropped along to make solar-powered motors, wind turbines and to marvel at the trailer. All groups were keen to test their speed on the bike - attempting to pedal to create the power required for a lightbulb. Although very few were keen on the idea of pedalling continuously if they wanted a light in their classroom... Robyn, Lindsay, Lizzie, Catriona and Ron kept up a crazy pace when the sudden influxes of groups arrived, demonstrating the drop-in activities and taking tours round the trailer.
Even with an overcast day, the panels were charging up the trailer's batteries and were powering the laptop, fan and power tools for a building project next to the Powerpod. In the 4 days prior to the festival, an entire wood house had been built by Duncan Roberts and others from Reforesting Scotland using the power from the pod! (at the left of the piccie of Rosie and Mel)
A Ceilidh finished off the day (and spinning on the Strip the Willow may have finished off Lindsay...)
Saturday was an overcast and drizzly day, so the workshops were huddled into a marquee and 'fake suns' (ie lamps) were used to demonstrate the PV panels (let's pretend there's sunlight...)The number of visitors was therefore lower than expected, and there was a bit of a feeling that a few visitors had been dragged along unwillingly by parents... but Judith and Gill kept the enthusiasm up with those who did arrive and plenty of people trickled in and out by the end of the day. At least there was plenty time to sample delights from the rest of the festival.
The damp day cleared up after the workshops were packed up, for an evening of crazy music and dancing from la Boum! Music continued with folk songs and storytelling round a fire, back at our camp place at the Pillars of Hercules farm.
Sunday brought the sun (hurray!) along with Morag, Rosie, Melanie and Andrew, to join the Saturday trio of Judith, Gill and Emily. The blue skies definately drew more visitors - the solar, wind and hydrogen car activities were busy with children and adults dropping-in. The bike was again a major pull (especially when the battery became further discharged and it was a real challenge to get the ball up the tube...). In between demonstrating workshops and entertaining the visitors, there was a chance to check out the awesome Moishe's Bagel and Orkestra del Sol.
As well as powering the laptop and fans, the powerpod provided essential battery recharging for quite a few distressed camera-owners...
All in all a great fun weekend!
1 comment:
This would not have been possible without Mike Wh. from Dundee who towed the trailer all the way from York to Falkland. This included a 50 min wait to cross the Forth Road Bridge - so a bit of an epic journey. On arriving at the site at Falkland we met the "security" ( A young couple staying overnight in a tent under the big Marquee which was being used for wood storage!). They were left with some hurried, and possibly to them, much garbled instructions on how the Powerpod worked. The key was passed on for Duncan and then there was the last train to catch!
I was home by 11 pm - I don't know when Mike got home - but our thanks and appreciation to him for his endeavours - Ron
PS The trailer was used fully by Duncan and his helpers for their power tools etc - but it definitely wasn't meant to boil the kettle for their cuppas!
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